Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fatguy Roller Pic of the Week - 1/23/09

Howdy Ho sports fans!

You may have noticed that there is no Roller Pic. That's is due to the fact that I've been off the bike for 7 days straight and don't have one to put up.

I'm back on the bike today and will be back with a new entry for January 30th.

So why have I not been riding the past week?

Well I'm glad you asked.

I've been growing my new business, JEK Design & Drafting Services.

I'll talk about it more later...right now things are going good so far, I dont want to jinx it.



Update - Back on the bike. I think i picked up a pound or so. But the ride didnt seem any hard then usual. I did 2 x 20's while watching Sukiyaki Western Django. Cool movie.

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